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Ásaterra was originally a monarchy, until just over a hundred years ago, at which point the king’s councillors led a rebellion. Overthrown and imprisoned, King Carlos II later died of ‘natural causes’ in his cell. The rest of his family, supposedly exiled, were in fact, disposed of in a similar fashion. The Royal Council then installed themselves as a democratic ruling force, and controlled the country for the next fifteen years. However, they began to fear the proficiency of magic users running wild in the country, as well as the large number of mercenaries and sellswords.  After the failure of the Sorcery Registration Act and the Military Conscription Decree, uprisings and protests dissolved into civil war. After years of futile bloodshed, a truce was reached and a compromise was made. The council split into two separate parties, whilst the mercenaries and the sorcerers each formed their own factions.

For more information on the factions, please see the Wiki or the World Anvil.

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The Legion of the Maor Dlí

The Legion has jurisdiction over the North of Ásaterra. Originally created to combat crime, when the monarchy fell, the Royal Council took control of the Legion’s forces. When the civil war started, the Legion made up the primary forces of the North.
Now, the Legions duties have expanded beyond pure law enforcement. They act as disaster relief, as armourers, instructors, strategists and engineers. However, their main role is to step in and enforce the laws when local law enforcement is out of their depth.


Faction Themes

  • Justice must always prevail: The law must always be carried out, though some may interpret this in their own way...

  • Magic must be controlled: Magic is a dangerous tool and must be regarded with caution and strict guidelines.

  • The strong protect the weak: The Legion sees it as their duty to protect those who cannot defend themselves.

The Guild of Croesus

The Guild governs the Western lands. Originally an offshoot of the Legion, the Guild have developed their own identity. Run like a limited company, it’s leader is decided by who holds or is backed by the most ‘shares’.
Primarily concerned with commerce, crafting and trade, the Guild has come into conflict with the local people of the West, who resent their rule, and their habit of profiting off of the hard work of the locals. Whilst some shun the Guild, others have instead joined their ranks and risen to positions of power, hoping to even the odds...


Faction Themes

  • There's no such thing as an outsider: If one of us thrives, we all thrive

  • Money is the tool, not the goal: The journey to get there may be long, but we have the tools to do it

  • Every moment is an opportunity: If you see an opening, take it and rise to the occasion

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Circle of the Arcane

The Eastern Province is under the protection of the Circle of the Arcane. Originally a group of scholars and mages who opposed the regulations on magic proposed after the Monarchy was abolished, the Circle prize knowledge above all else.
However, the Circle believes knowledge can have many forms; combat and tactics, as well as magic, medicine and crafting. What unites these folk is love of learning, and the thirst of unsated curiosity.


Faction Themes

  • Knowledge is not a treasure to hoard: Learning should be shared.

  • There is always something to learn: Never think you know everything and keep an open mind.

  • Knowledge can be pain: Sometimes the things you discover can hurt you or those you love.

Warriors of the Dark Sun

Loyal but cunning, the Warriors hold the Southern Lands. Originally formed to oppose the reforms enforced after the abolition of the Monarchy, the Warriors are comprised of many skilled folk from the South and beyond. The Warriors welcome those who will defend Ásaterra by their side; but Gods help anyone who crosses them.
Whilst their fighters are as fearsome as their name suggests, their true trade is in intelligence. Their network of spies is large reaching, but the Dark Sun is also comprised of the strategists, mages and fighters who make use of the knowledge they are given.


Faction Themes:

  • A whisper can topple an empire: Information is power.

  • Honour is for allies, not enemies: Respect those you fight with, but show enemies no mercy.

  • Strength isn’t physical: Not just combatants are respected; Healers and Priests are held especially in high regard.



More information on the factions of Ásaterra can be found here on the Four Pillars Wikia.


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